7-11 Convenience Stores

The relationship with 7-Eleven spans many years and multiple deal types completed. From build-to-suits, ground leases, fee simple purchases to tenant rep work, we’ve done it all! While we see many 7-Eleven’s, old and new, we believe the Sea World location is the most beautiful ever built. There were numerous architectural, cost sharing, and other items that had to be successfully navigated throughout this transaction. The result is 7-Eleven has a very successful location that will only get better with time. We wish them many, many, great years there.

While the Sea World location was certainly most prestigious, it certainly wasn’t the most difficult. Developing gas stations and convenience stores comes with unique challenges. In each instance, creative problem solving was the answer that allowed the project to persevere. That perseverance is why we have long-standing relationships with respected national tenants, such as 7-Eleven.